Pool Hours:
Opens the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend (5/25/24), closes Labor Day (9/2/24)
Mon.-Fri.: 12:00pm-8:00pm Sat., Sun. & Holidays: 10:00am-8:00pm
When School is in Session it's 4:00pm-8:00pm (Follows FCPS Calendar)
Registration: www.northcrossing.cellbadge.com
1. No one will be allowed in the swimming pool area unless the pool is officially open and a lifeguard is on duty. Entering the pool premises when it is not open for public use is trespassing, which is punishable by fines, prosecution, or both.
2. This pool is designed to enhance the leisure time of ALL North Crossing residents. Registration is issued to each family who is current with their HOA account and who registers in advance. Registration is approved by the HOA’s Community Manager, Monday-Fridays. If you try to register on a weekend, you will not be approved to use the pool until the next business day.
If any issue surrounding conduct arises, the main registrant on the household account will be held responsible. If a minor is asked to leave the pool for any behavioral reason, their profile will be disabled for 24 hours. If a minor is asked to leave a second time, their registration will be deactivated entirely, unless accompanied by a responsible adult. All guest privileges will also be revoked. If any patron feels they’ve been excluded in error, they may appeal the decision to the Board of Directors by contacting the Community Manager to schedule a hearing.
3. Children under the age of 13 must be accompanied by a parent or responsible person 16 years old or older. Any child who cannot swim the length of the pool or requires a flotation device must have an adult within arms-reach.
4. Acceptable flotation devices in the big pool: Coast Guard approved life jackets and Personal Flotation Devices (PFD), some swim suit attached floats, noodles (only when parent or responsible person are within arms-reach of child). Pool Manager reserves the right to allow or disallow devices based on child's ability to swim or control their buoyancy, the size of the object and the number of bathers in the pool. Wading/Baby pool: small toys, balls, small inflatable devices at the Pool Manager's discretion.
5. Children who are not toilet-trained must wear disposable swim diapers in all the pools.
6. Individuals with a known medical or physical condition that could place them at higher-than-normal risk while in or around the pool, should be accompanied by a parent or responsible person 16 years old or older.
7. Appropriate swim wear must be worn at all times.
8. For the health of all staff and patrons, persons who have visible skin blisters, large open cuts, large areas of exposed sub-skin tissue, sore or inflamed eyes, severe nasal or ear discharge or wearing bandages or multiple band-aids or are experiencing even a mild case of diarrhea may be not be permitted in the pool.
9. NO GLASS, ALCOHOL, NARCOTICS OR TOBACCO is permitted anywhere in the pool area or entrance to the pool area. Persons who appear to be under the influence of alcohol or narcotics will be denied admission.
10. Running, boisterous or rough play, pushing, acrobatics, dunking, wrestling, excessive splashing, yelling, diving or jumping dangerously, or any improper conduct causing undue disturbances in or about the pool area, and bathrooms or any acts which would endanger any patron are prohibited. The lifeguards have authority to enforce all pool rules. Patrons who repeatedly violate the rules will be ejected by the Manager.
11. Abusive or profane language will not be tolerated.
12. No prolonged underwater swimming for time and/or distance. Competitive and/or repetitive breath holding can be deadly and is not permitted. Hyperventilation is absolutely not permitted.
13. Radios, CD/Tape players or other music sources, are only allowed if used with headphones. Exceptions will only be made for parties held at the pool. Volume must remain at a reasonable level so as not to disturb other patrons. If any pool patron complains about the volume, the Guard will have it adjusted to an acceptable level. Failure to obey the lifeguard will result in the confiscation of the device and it will be returned upon departure of the pool.
14. The Lifeguard is the absolute authority in all matters pertaining to the safety and operation of the pool. They are there for your protection. Please do not distract them in any way. For your safety, the pool will be cleared once an hour for 15 minutes at the beginning of each hour except the first hour. This time may be used by Adults (16 years old or older) for recreation or lap swimming.
15. NO diving, somersaults, "cannon balls" and other dangerous stunt jumps from the side of the pool or any other unsafe activities are not permitted. No playing near or around the pool drains.
16. Spitting, spouting of water, blowing nose or urinating in the pool are prohibited.
17. During storms, pool will be closed and the entire area cleared of patrons at the discretion of the Pool Manager. The pool will remain closed for 30 minutes after thunder and 60 minutes after lightning.
18. This pool is designed to enhance the leisure time of ALL North Crossing residents. Registration is issued to each family who is current with their HOA account and who registers in advance. If any issue surrounding conduct arises, the main registrant on the household account will be held responsible. If a minor is asked to leave the pool for any behavioral reason, they will be allowed to return after 24 hours and a note will be made in the system. If a minor is asked to leave a second time, their registration will be deactivated, unless accompanied by a responsible adult. All guest privileges will also be revoked. If any patron feels they’ve been excluded in error, they may appeal the decision to the Board of Directors by contacting the Community Manager to schedule a hearing.
19. Guest Passes: A 10 Guest pass visit count is included with each household membership. An additional 10 Guest visits may be added to your CellBadge account ONLY AFTER sending North Crossing HOA a check or money order to Clagett Management, 5295 Westview Drive, Suite 125, Frederick, MD 21703. If you do not have any guest passes left on your account, your guest CANNOT go to the pool that day.
Authorized patrons 18 years or older, may bring two (2) guests at a time. You start the season with 10 guest passes, use of a guest pass gets deducted on your CellBadge account. In order to bring more guests, the lifeguards must give permission to enter based upon number of patrons already at the pool. These additional guests may be asked to leave if authorized patrons arrive thereafter. If authorized patrons over 18 are planning a pool party, prior permission from the Property Management Company is REQUIRED at least two (2) weeks in advance. The maximum number of outside guests is thirty (30) and the pool will still be opened to all residents. There will be a $50.00 deposit required and pending number of party guests there may be a charge for an additional life guard if required. Residents are responsible for their guests' actions.
Authorized patrons between the ages of 13 and 17 may bring one (1) guest with a signed indemnity form and they must be accompanied at check-in by a parent/adult over the age of 18 who will take responsibility and be immediately available should the need arise. Unsupervised 13-18 year olds will need to pass a swim test before being allowed to remain at the pool. Residents are responsible for their guest’s actions. If a resident, and or guest, is asked to leave they must do so or the lifeguard has the authority to contact responsible adult in the case of a minor, the community manager, and if necessary, the police.
20. These rules are subject to change at any time by the Pool Manager or Community Manager. Any rule changes must be explained to the Board of Directors at the next Board meeting and reasons for change will be given.