Clagett Enterprises, Inc. wants to ensure our customers that we are taking every recommended precaution from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to protect our staff and customers as concerns about novel coronavirus (COVID-19) heighten.
We have implemented precautionary measures per the CDC's "All of Community" approach which is focused on slowing the transmission of the virus while minimizing social and economic impacts. Because the virus spreads person-to-person between people in close contact with each other (about 6 ft) and through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person sneezes or coughs, becoming airborne as well as by contact with a contaminated surface, we have enacted the following safety measures -
Effective Monday, March 16, 2020 for a period of 14 days -
Clagett Management - HOA's — Contractors —
All meetings at Clagett Enterprises office have been cancelled. We are recommending that BOD's cancel offsite meetings as well. As an alternative, a Go-To-Meeting can be scheduled by your manager in its place of a physical meeting.
All HOA payments should be made online & payments made at the office must be placed in the mailbox located inside the vestibule area and a receipt will be mailed to you.
All HOA related issues that need discussed with a manager should be via phone call or email. Please call our office at 301-695-6676 Monday-Friday 9 am to 5 pm for assistance.
All contractors and vendors should contact their managers via email, phone or meet onsite. Contractors & vendors may not visit the office to pick up checks.
Clagett Residential Management - Rental Properties — Owners — Renters — Contractors —
All rental payments should be made online & payments made at the office must be placed in the mailbox located inside the vestibule area & a receipt will be mailed to you.
All contractors should contact their property manager via email, phone or meet onsite. Contractors may not visit the office to pick up checks or keys.
All lease applications should be made online or placed in the mailbox for processing.
All lease signings, deposits and key deliveries for rental properties will be scheduled in advance and take place at the rental property location.
These safety measures will be reassessed in 14 days to determine if we need to extend the time on these measures or if any additional measures are recommended.
Please feel free to contact our office directly should you have any questions or concerns.
Thank you for your cooperation and assistance.
The Clagett Team