Dear North Crossing Residents,
We hope that you and yours have been well over the past few months. There have been many questions regarding the community pool and the 2020 season. The big question: WHEN IS THE POOL OPENING?
The board is currently working with the pool management company to coordinate opening our pool for the 2020 season. With the ongoing COVID-19 epidemic, we have been unable to open the community pool as we normally have done.
We are working to have the pool open by mid July 2020. Yes, that is a long way off. Unfortunately, this is out of our control.
There are several factors that have prevented us from opening our community pool at the usual time this year:
At the end of the 2019 season the board began an improvement project to the community pool. Those improvements have taken longer than expected due to the COVID-19 epidemic. We are 90% done with these improvements and are completed enough that we can open the pool.
COVID-19; With CDC regulations and State, County, and City Health orders in place, the community pool was not permitted to open. As these restrictions are lifted, we are diligently working with the pool management company to bring our pool up to the health code standards that are now required in order to open. Just to mention a few:
Social Distancing
Sanitization of the facilities
Occupancy limits
Adequate manning of the pool facility with lifeguards has been a big issue this year. Each year lifeguard must recertify. Due to COVID-19, the normal timeline for recertification has been interrupted. This interruption has limited the number of qualified lifeguards. The pool management company is working hard to requalify and/or certify lifeguards for the 2020 season.
Implementation of Social Distancing and new sanitization standards are necessary to open the pool. We must have a plan to help combat the potential spread of COVID-19.
Once the pool opens, there will be NEW RULES that we must have in place.
OCCUPANCY LIMITS: When the pool opens there will be occupancy limits. For this reason, the 2020 pool season will be strictly limited to RESIDENTS ONLY. This is necessary to ensure residents have to ability to use the pool they are paying to use. Resident MUST have a pool pass to enter.
FIRST COME FIRST SERVED: The pool will have a maximum capacity. Once that has been reached no other residents will be permitted to enter until other residents have left. Don’t worry, our pool is large enough that our MAX CAPACITY will still be enough for us to use the pool. But we must implement this limit as per State, County, and City guidelines.
SOCIAL DISTANCING: There will be designated areas for groups to sit.
LIMITED FACILITY USE: Bathrooms will be open for use, but the showers will not be available this year.
SANITIZATION: At a minimum the bathroom facilities will be sanitized twice a day, if not more. These sanitizations will meet and/or exceed CDC requirements.
FACE COVERINGS REQUIRED: Face coverings will be required while transiting the pool house and when the 6ft social distancing cannot be maintained. Not required while in the pool.
A waiver of liability: Unfortunately, this is necessary to protect our community and it’s residents. Execution of this waiver has yet to be fully flushed out. Additional details will be forthcoming prior to the pool opening.
As we get additional information, we disseminate the best we can and, on all medias, available to the board.
All the best,
North Crossing 2020 Board